Friday, 11 June 2010


A friend's dressing up as a cat/leopard tonight, and after discussing the ears and make-up and checking out DA I got a fizzle into my head to give it a go myself. I may look silly but it was quick and fun, even without putting contact lenses in!  This would look much better with white, but I didn't have any.  This is just liquid eyeliner and silver, copper and gold eyeshadows.

I think it looks quite cool...  things of course which could be done much better, but it's a start!

Now, for the next photodump installment:

This is my GirFrock.  If you don't know Gir, it'd only take too long to explain!  The power of green compelled me.  Pattern is a duplicate of a very pretty dress I bought for my brother's wedding, minus the zip and plus pockets and an obi-style belt (which is reinforced and quilted, no less!).  Lovelovelove it, even though it's already getting bobbly.

A keyfob I made for a friend's birthday, the initals 'DW' sawn into copper, hammer-textured and with a swivelling bail attached with my first ever successful rivet!  Well, for a given value of 'successful'.  I really love the style, and just wish it would work with 'MH' so I could have my own.

These were so cute I had to share!  Little sweet 'slider' buns - I made tiny beefburgers to go in them when we had an awesome bbq: thai pork skewers, mustard-rosemary chicken, hoisin veggies, tiny burgers etc.  Yummy.

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